Three ways to kick up into Handstand
HANDSTAND requires wrist and shoulder strength/flexibility/mobility, as well as core and upper body strength to keep you up and stable. We also need flexible/strong hamstrings and hip flexors to walk in and kick up, spacial awareness will also help!
Assuming that we have acquired enough of the above by practising prep and strengthening poses such as down dog, 1 legged down dog, plank and variations, half handstand and 1 legged half handstand at the wall and chest openers, arm and shoulder extensions etc.. you are ready to kick up at the wall.
Handstand 1: Kick up from Downward Facing Dog
Here I start with my shoulders away from my wrist, then bringing them on my wrist as I kick up. We will refine the kick once we are able to hold the stand at the wall - starting with the shoulders in place that is on top of the wrists.
Handstand 2: Lunge kick up
Here we create momentum by kicking up from a lunge.
Handstand 3: Kick up with shoulders stacked on wrist
Handstand builds wrists/hands, core and upper body strength.
Limits Handstand: tight shoulders, weak wrists, tight hamstrings and pelvis, weak core
Principles and actions: lifting shoulders, midline stabilisation, stacking, core and legs engaged
Preparation: Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Plank (Utthita Vasisthasana), Boat (Navasana), Half Handstand at the wall and their variations, chest openers, arm and shoulder extensions.
Counter-indication: neck/shoulders/wrists injuries, HBP, eye conditions.