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Writer's pictureCorinne Doret

Progression to Plough & Roll Back - Part 2

Ready to move on?

Here are some ideas on how to progress your Plough practice in stages:

As per the Shoulderstand practice, your foundation (base & trunk) should not be disturbed when you lower your legs into Plough. Your starting points, when you set up your base and practise at the wall, should not be lost! You want to keep the integrity of the pose when you progress deepen - do not distort yourself to force your toes to the ground. Your final pose could be toes to chair and you may never be able to progress further, and that's fine! Appreciate the fact that in the photos above, my practice at no.1 is the same as no.6, what differs is the range of movement at the hips!

The actions to go in the pose, stay and come out of the pose are the same whether you are practising at no.1, 2, 3 or 6. What has been learnt at no.1 is carried through to your final pose. So we are all doing the same with a different range of movement. Do not think that you are doing less because your range of movement is less!

Now you can do Plough with ease at your level of practice

1. Roll back to Plough to Shoulderstand using the wall

Make sure that your blankets are at the right distance to the wall, so that when you roll back your shoulders will be on the blankets and your feet will land on the wall.

Here my legs are parallel to the floor, however depending on your hips flexion you may need to be closer to the wall so your feet will land higher than your hips. You can also walk your feet below your hips to your capacity and if you do, remember to maintain the integrity of the pose!

Once you are set, steady and strong, take your legs up.

2. Free roll back to Plough to Shoulderstand

When you no longer require the wall, try away from it.

Here I roll back with my feet landing on the floor, this is my final pose. Looking back at the photos above (progression to Plough) you can use any of these supports and work at your level of practice.

Caution: rolling back into Plough or directly into Shoulderstand is best learnt in person with a qualified teacher. It may not be appropriate if you have eyes, neck, back conditions, prolapse, HBP etc... You may be able to practise at the wall (see Part 1) or practise alternative poses instead.



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